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Change in Bowel Habits and Intestinal Blockages in New Jersey

The Digestive Health & Nutrition Center has two convenient locations in Lawrenceville and Princeton, New Jersey where you can receive the exceptional care you deserve. Angela Merlo, MD is an experienced Gastroenterologist and expert at the diagnosis and treatment of changes in bowel habits in adults and children.

What Causes a Change in Bowel Habits?

A change in your bowel habits is simply any persistent change from your usual habits. The term encompasses frequency of bowel movements, regularity of bowel movements, solid or liquid consistency of the stool, size and shape of the stool, difficulty or ease in evacuation or a sense of incomplete evacuation. There may also be associations with abdominal pain or discomfort. Any change in bowel habits should investigated as serious digestive disorders can be the cause such as:

  • Blockages from surgical scars
  • Cancers
  • Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Infectious Gastroenteritis
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Medication side effects
  • Polyps
  • Ulcerative Colitis

How are Changes in Bowel Habits and Intestinal Blockages Diagnosed?

Dr. Merlo will first take a complete history of all of your symptoms that will guide her investigation. Your history should include duration of symptoms as well as medication use. A family history of similar disorders could increase your risk for certain illnesses. Dr. Merlo may recommend blood tests or one or more gastrointestinal procedures to assure she reaches an accurate diagnosis. Once the cause is determined, Dr. Merlo will provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan to relieve your symptoms and restore health.

If you or your children are experiencing a change in bowel habits and seek an expert adult or pediatric Gastroenterologist, contact the Digestive Health & Nutrition Center in Lawrenceville or Princeton, New Jersey for an appointment with Dr. Merlo.