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Beat Bloating


What is bloating?

Do you think bloating is caused by swallowed air or drinking carbonated beverages? Belching usually easily resolves these sources of gas.

Problematic bloating is from the retention of liquids and solids in the digestive system and the buildup of gas produced by intestinal bacteria. Bloating affects about 30% of the general population and is more common in females than males. The colon is the home of billions of “friendly” bacteria that contribute to overall health. But, these bacteria also digest foods and liquids not completed absorbed. Some intestinal gas is normal. Excessive gas leads to bloating. Some people are very sensitive to gas and feel symptoms at lower levels of gas than other people.

Do you have problematic bloating?

  • Do you feel full even after eating small meals?
  • Does your sensation of fullness last long after a meal?
  • Do your symptoms worsen as the day progresses?
  • Can you see your stomach area distended through your clothes?

 What is causing your bloating?

Many people previously diagnosed with IBS are ultimately found to have one or more of the disorders producing their symptoms.

Beat Bloating: get tested!

Find the cause. Eliminate the symptoms.

Dr. Angela Merlo is an expert at identifying allergies or intolerances to certain foods that cause excessive gas production and bloating.

Learn more about testing for food allergies or intolerances >>

If you struggle with chronic bloating or experience a sudden increase in bloating, you should consult a GI doctor to rule out the possibility of a serious digestive disorder. Dr. Angela Merlo of the Digestive Health and Nutrition Center in Lawrenceville and Princeton New Jersey has built her career around GI-related health and wellness. Whether your bloating is a symptom of a serious condition or simply a result of diet, Dr. Merlo can help you identify the cause and curate a treatment plan and/or nutrition plan aimed at eliminating bloating. Contact Dr. Merlo online or by calling (609) 896-0800 to schedule a consultation.


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